Gmail Tutorial

Gmail is the popular email program from Google. We will use it for our class not only because it is a good email system but also because it allows you access to Google Docs and other features we will be using in class. So, everyone is REQUIRED to sign up for a Google Mail account even if you already have an email account of some kind that works fine.

SIgn up for a Gmail Account

Patience and an ability to read and follow directions are required when signing up for a Gmail account.


There are usually 2-3 people in every class who stubbornly refuse to write their passwords down and remember them. Every time we log in these people need help and bring the class to a stop. We will hear endless excuses about how Google is broken and the internet is down and the dog at the piece of paper with the username and password for the email. This isn't fair to other students. If you are not willing to make even this small amount of effort you should give up at this point. The internet is not for you.

To avoid this problem, starting with the third week, no students will be admitted to class who cannot remember their gmail username and password. Its really that important.

Ok, here we go.

Go to the google website ( and click on "gmail".

You will see the link in about the middle of the image above. This will take you to the gmail page.

Select "Create an account" and answer all the questions on the following page:

Here are some hints to make sure this signup goes smoothly:

The "word verifications" are a test to make sure that you are a real person and not a computer. Google doesn't want computers to sign up for accounts and use them for spam. So, we have a little puzzle that a person can solve but a computer can't. Reach the letters in the little box. If you can't get the first one then try again. Remember, patience! And every time you try again, you will have to enter your password again.

When you are done, hit "I accept. Create my account".

If Gmail is dissatisfied, it will bounce the form back to you with the complaints hilighted in red. Note that every time it bounces back for whatever reason, you also have to retype the password. Patience! Last time I did it it took me six tries. No problem. Pay attention to detail. Eventually it will go through.

Using Gmail

Here are the basic areas of the Gmail screen:

Click on "Inbox" to see what mail is coming in.

In the screen above, notice that the emails are listed in order received, and the color is blue or white depending on whether the email has been read or not.

If you double click on one of the emails, you can read it. I'm going to double click on the email at top, from Marylee Vales. Here's what comes up:

At this point, if I don't want the email, I can delete it, or I can go back to the list of email by clicking "Back to inbox", or I can reply to it by clicking "replay. If I do that here's what comes up:

If you look at the email above you will see that the original email, and the reply, are listed together, sort of like a chat conversation.